Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Produce Selections & Seasonal Chart - Go Texan

Welcome to Gigi's Grocers blog.  We're going to dive right into the top requested dorm delivery food item:  produce - fruits & vegetables.  It's amazing, the same children who wouldn't touch an apple or fresh broccoli as a young child is ready to embrace fresh produce with open arms as a young adult.  

I found myself at looking at Texas farmed produce and the appropriate "in-season" purchases. mentions, "Texas is one of the largest producers of fresh fruits and vegetables, so your choices are always endless. More than 60 commercial fruit and vegetable crops are grown in the Lone Star State."

An important (and cost effective) approach of buying healthy produce is watching for in-season items.  Although Gigi's Grocers focuses on locally grown produce, we recognize state, country and even foreign produce sellers may have healthy (quality) produce available and it's our job to make sure that quality and lower cost is transferred to our buyers and students.

Have a look at Texas Produce Availability Chart:

Stay tuned for more information regarding recipes, gadgets and friendly dorm foods.

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